#960 – DK2HM – Hans-Martin
Dear visitor, dear HAM friend,
My name is Hans-Martin, DK2HM, from Ingolstadt, the city in south Germany where the famous Audi car comes from. Lovely pitoresque city at the river Danube in Bavaria 70km north of Munich. I was born in Heidenheim near Ulm.
I have graduated from Katholische Universitaet Eichstaett-Ingolstadt with a Master degree in Business Administration including studies in Salamanca / Spain.
In addition to ham radio, in my free time I regularly play the church organ in different parishes, do some running and work-out e.g. Berlin Marathon and I am interested in football / soccer and fan related topics.
Ex callsign DO4HMK
SWL callsign DE4HMK
Special Call for education and training DN1HMK
Special Call in 2016: DL1516BIER