#910 – DL1QC – Karsten
– born 1963
– Ham since 1977
– former calls: Y42UH, Y71TG, DL8MKM
– working as senior physician for anaesthetics in a clinic for orthopedic surgery and emergency service
– interests: medicine, sport pilot licence, model flight, model railroad
– Ham-Radio interests: CW, DX, QRP, satellite operation, antenna building, WSPR and more ham radio stuff
– TRX: K2, KX3, Yaesu-FTDX 101 MP, Pocket from Reuter Electronic, mcHF, FT 817ND, IC 9700, ANAN 200D, QCX-TRX from QRP- labs and more
– KiwiSDR, Ultimate 3S, KAT 500, KPA 500,
– antennas: Spiderbeam, Spiderpoles 12, 18, 26m, 73m OCFD at 10m height