#877 – PA5M – Michael
As I’m lucky to travel for the World Food Programme. I could be active in various countries all over the world.
UPDATE: I have found more HH2/PA5M logs which were originally NOT in any online logbook. I have added them to Clublog in case people would like to have a QSL card. Have a look you might be in the log now!
QSL requests for all my operations will now go via my HOME CALL.
Former callsigns: PD0OQI, PE1PNI, PA3GST, 9H3YA, PA5MD, A61AJ, A65BG, YI/PA5M, YI9M, 9U5M, ST2DX, 5U7DX, TZ6M, TY5M, 9N7M, TT8M, 4W6AAB, 6O0M, 3Y0X, 3XY5M, 9J2M, 5X1DX , HH2/PA5M, 5Z4/PA5M, 3G9AA/MM.
Attention: I no longer have 5Z4/PA5M QSL cards available. Any buro QSL card received for this call will be returned with a QSO-confirmed stamp and signature from me (if you are in the log of course…).
Future callsign:
In LoTW and eQSL you can now find my logs of PD0OQI, PE1PNI, PA3GST, PA5MD, PA5M, HB0/PA5M, DL/PA5M, OZ/PA5M, LA/PA5M, 4W6AAB, 9J2M, 5X1DX and YI/PA5M.
UPDATE: With some help of my friend I am building my own webpage www.PA5M.nl but patience is the word….