#821 – ON6CC – Marc
My interest in the hobby began at the age of 13. My father at that time was licenced as ON1CC, then ON6CZ and later he changed it to ON8CC. He passed away in 2014, unfortunately. In 1993 I got my HAM-ticket as ON6ZX. In the year 2000 I changed my call into ON6CC as it is now. In 2005 I had a 2nd “contestcall” issued as OR3A (ex OO6C).
My main interest is contesting and building antenna’s. I’m sometimes QRV from the QTH of OT2A (Patrick) and ON4IA (Luc) in major contests. I was 3rd in ARRL CW contest in 2010 and 4th in 2014
Every year we are participating in the SSB & CW fieldday contest as ON5LL/p.
I have done some nice contests on 160m band with a 1/2 wave vertical (balloon) and was thrilled about it’s performance. The last contest I did with a Helikite was during the CQ 160 CW contest. Instead of using a 1/2 wave vertical, I used a 5/8 wave vertical with about 30 radials. I used my vanity call OR3A. You can see a short video on Youtube with this link
I was one of the 5 guys who went to Rockall Island on EU-189. Unfortunately we didn’t succeed in our mission, but in 2011 two members finally reached the top of the rock and made about 1000 QSO’s for one day with the call MMØRAI/p
At last my dream came finally through! My “African” tour begane in the Dem.Rep of Congo (9Q5ØON) in 2011, than the Rep. of Congo (TN2T) in 2012, than from Burundi (9U4U) in 2013 and the last one in 2015 from Iran (EP6T)