#708 – PA3GCV – Henk
Life-Member #026
I started as SWL station NL8722 on 1981 and had much fun with it, and I learned how to listen for DX on the short wave bands. I joined many contests and earnd many trofee’s with it.
I am an Radio Ham since 1987 with the call PD0PMH this was at that time only for 2m fm. Got interrested in DXing and off course CW was something what I wanted to learn.
I have been licensed since 1992 as PA3GCV and enjoye dxing, contesting, and traveling to other countries. Meeting fellow radio operators in these places is always a thrill. I have operated from St. Maarten, St. Martin, Anguilla, St. Kitts, Monserrat, Germany, Crete, Kos, New Zealand, Australia.
I build many tranverters for 23cm and 13cm ssb /cw and I did also make ATV transmitters for these bands, it gave me much fun and of course I learnd a’ lot at these points.
We moved in 1997 to an bigger house with an much larger garden were I build 2 towers, one for the HF Beams and the other one for 160m. I was lucky to be in the position that I could use my nybour field in the winter months to setup the beverage’s and the four square K9AY. This due optimise the 160m receive station, and to receive also during the summer time .
Have confirmd sofar 296 DXCC on Topband so there are still some to go..hi
Moved since 2015 to a senior house, so have no receiving antennas anymore.
Work on the moment with a endfed antenne for 20,40 and 80m, and a EA7DELTA… 6m till 40m. Its not a’ beam but I am very satisfied with it, my backyard is 8 by 10m so not that big. hi Have since this month a’ 5 element Tonna 6M yagi at 6m, its not iedeaal but better then my indoor 6m Moxon antenna.
I can setup a 18m spiderpole for an 160m inverted L antenna.