1002 – W5MJ – Madison
I am a CW contester and DXer and submit scores to most of the major contests.
I like to go places. There is nothing quite like being on the other side of the pileup, and I have been so at times as XE2KB, XE2Y, XA5T and 6D2YFM; 9H3V; VP8WWW; VP8WMJ [still a valid call]; 7P8MJ; VU3JMB; VU7RG; C91TX, C91MJ, YN2MJ, V63MJ, V73MR, T88TV, A35T, DL/W5MJ, OM/W5MJ, HA/W5MJ, FO/W5MJ, TX5T and TX7T, and perhaps others.
I went to Tonga February 17-29, 2016 and our team put over 23,000 Qs in the books, including about 1700 on 160 and 80. Since some of those 160 Qs were to Western EU [where A3 was #3 on the 160 Most Wanted List], we considered the trip to be a total success even though Tropical Cyclone Winston — the largest TC ever recorded — prevented us from getting of antennas up for several days at the beginning of the trip.
It was certainly far more successful that my next prior adventure, 17 Feb 2015 to Kosrae Island as V63MJ. I opened on 17 mtrs and immediately generated a pileup. After about 90 minutes of operation, everything quit operating! Both my antenna for 10 – 40 was crushed by a wave, and I then discovered my amp did not work either. To make it worse, Kosrae only had flights out 2 days per week, so I had to sit around doing nothing for several days before leaving.
I went to Myanmar XZ1A, in late 2016 for a week with Zorro, Champ and Franz Langer — a most interesting place, indeed. 12,000+ Qs in about 100 hours total, limited in time by a lot of local reasons. Also, the 2017 trip by the CanAm DX Group to Revaivae Island in the Australs FO/A (OC-114) a s TX5T generated lots of Qs and enough interesting activity to be worth an article in DX Magazine. In August, 2018, CanAM Group went back to Raivavae Island in the Australs [FO/A, #71 Most Wanted] as TX5T for the second time. The story was in QST’s December 2018 issue as “How’s DX.”
Went to Belize Feb. 12 – 19, 2019, for the ARRL DX CW contest as part of the V3T team. I also operted as v31IT I am NOT the QSL manager, I DON”T have cards, so send you V31IT QSL requests to Tim Beaumont, MØURX!
My QSL manager for A35T, V63 Kosrae, TX5T and V31IT is MØURX for those I was lucky enough to work. Tim does a great job! He has the cards via OQRS for A3, V6 and TX5. Check also the Club Log pages to see if we were lucky enough to work you.
I went as part of the CanAm DX Group to Hiva Oa Island in the Marquesas in the South Pacific. We chose that location because it was #60 Most Wanted worldwide and #23 Most Wanted in EU. We were active there November 6-19, 2019 on 160 – 10 meters on CW, SSB and digital modes and made over 30,200 QSOs throughout the world! It is a beautiful part of the world, and mostly untouched. The scenery is spectacular! Our QSL manager, Tim Beaumont M0URX, has the logs and will be delivering confirmations soon. Check with Clublog to see how many Qs you have. I do NOT have the logs or QSL cards for TX7T, so please contact Tim with your QSL requests.