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Voting by Email

All members received their ballot card for the 2019 Elections of the EUDXF Board:

….ready for your vote by classic post service (do not forget the postage).

You can also vote by email using the special emailaddress: voting@eudxf.eu. Please note your membership number to allow easy verification


EUDXF member Alex 5B4ALX wil travel to Western Kiribati T30ET

Departure: March 16, 2020 via Dubai, Brisbane, Solomon, Tarawa
Travel time: 48hours

Arrival: March 18, 2020 Tarawa Atoll
Start activities: the same day of arrival
End Activities: April 2, 2020

Return: April 2, 2020 via Solomon, Brisbane, Dubai

T30ET will be active in FT8 mode focus the 20m during the day and 40/60m during the night.

A 40m or 60m station will be active all night, from 7:00 UTC (20:00 local) to 17:00 UTC (6:00 local), in FT8.

Occasionally, during the day, the same station will be activated in 20m FT8

Equipment :

2x Icom IC-7300
2x 500W amplifier
4x 40A switching
2x Laptop (running Wintest and FT8 dxped software)

Antennas :

6m : Mono Quad @ 8mh
12m : Mono Quad @ 8mh
15m : Mono Quad @ 8mh
17/20m : Homemade 1/2 wave Vertical Antenna
30/40/60: Homemade 18mh Vertical Antenna
80/160m : Homemade Inverted L

Bands : 6/12/15/17/20/30/40/60/80/160m


More info: www.5b4alx.cloud

EUDXF supports the 2020 South Orkney Islands DXPedition

The EUDXF is happy to announce they will support the new adventure by the Perseverance DX Group to South Orkney Island scheduled for February – March 2020. The Clublog Most Wanted ranking for VP8O South Orkney based on Europe is #16 mixed mode. 

The team will be QRV from Signy Island on 10-160 meters, SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8. Located at 60 degrees south / 45 degrees west, we expect temperatures to hover around freezing most of the time, with constantly changing conditions of wind, rain, snow and occasional sunshine.

A team of experienced DX and Contest operators will operate from Signy Island for up to 15 days. The team includes: Dave K3EL, Les W2LK, Steve W1SRD, Ricardo PY2PT, Gene K5GS, Arliss W7XU, Heye DJ9RR, Laci HA0NAR, Mike WA6O, Vadym UT6UD, Walt N6XG and Rob N7QT. The team will sail from Punta Arenas, Chile aboard RV Braveheart. Seven operating positions are planned for 160-10 meters, SSB/CW/Digital. 

The Perseverance DX Group was also responsible for the recent very succesfull DXpedition VP6D DXpedition to Ducie Island.

Additional information on the teams website: https://sorkney.com/