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T31EU Update

The EUDXF supported DXpedition to Central Kiribati – Kanton Island – T31EU keep many busy. The signals are minimal, especially in western Europe, and it is not easy to make a QSO during this period of lower propagation. The team on the island does everything within their possibilities, but nature can not be controlled. A small update from the team:

  • Yesterday was a better day in particular 30m and 40m.
  • The generator causes interference on the RX Beverage. The team added additional K9AY receiving antennas to overcome this issue and further improve reception at the lowbands.
  • On all bands there is high static QRN which makes the reception not easy.
  • The team is working with 2 High Power stations, they lost one amplifier. So a possible third signal comes from a 100W radio.
  • Tonight they hope to pass the 30K mark in the log.
