EUDXF supports the C21MM DXpedition

It is our pleasure to advise you that the EUDXF board has decided to support the October 2024 DXpedition to Nauru, C21MM.
After T2C in 2023 and P29RO in 2022 a German team will return to the Pacific and travel to Nauru (C21MM) in October 2024.
They are planning to operate with 5 stations, 24/7 from 160 to 6 m in CW, SSB, FT8 and RTTY.
The group has extensive experience with travelling to pacific islands, but Nauru gave them some challenges. Getting all the necessary permissions and finding a usable location for the antennas is no easy task – especially for larger groups. They are grateful to Phill, C21TS, for his support on the island.
Flights, accommodation and a radio shack room are booked and confirmed.
These are prerequisites for the necessary visa to enter Nauru.
Due to the complicated logistics, the plan is to arrive with two teams: 6 team members will arrive on October 11, 2024. They will bring 2 stations. This includes the LZ wire beam and the LBS-pentaplexer. This means that operation in the first days will only occur on the high bands. The rest of the team will arrive on October 14 for another 12 days.
More details and the latest news on

EUDXF supports the 3D2Z DXpedition to Rotuma
It is our pleasure to advise you that the EUDXF board has decided to support the 3D2Z DXpedition to Rotuma.
Gregg, W6IZT; Hal, W8HC; Nathan, K4NHW; Jamie, MØSDV, Connor, KD9LSV and Lukas, LY7J will operate from Rotuma as 3D2Z from November 15 to December 4, 2024.
In addition, they will be taking part in the CQWW CW Contest using another callsign.
The 6 member team will operate locally with three 500w Elecraft stations on 6m-160m. Additionally, the DXpedition will include two of W6IZT’s NexGenRiBs.
One of the primary goals of this DXpedition is to “Enable DXpeditioning for the Next Generation of Amateur Radio Operators.” Having young operators like 23-year old Jamie, 23-year old Connor, and 22-year old Lukas, participate on this DXpedition team goes a long way in fulfilling this mission.
The NexGenRiBs will be operated by a team of young amateur radio operators who will get to experience the excitement that comes with being part of this DXpedition and what goes into making this type of activity a success.
More details and the latest news on
DXpedition presentations at DX Plaza
DXpedition presentations at DX Plaza in A1:
Friday 28 June 11:00-12:00 TX5C Clipperton by K5GS
Saturday 29 June 11:00-11:30 7O2WX Yemen by OK2WX
Saturday 29 June 15:00-15:30 TJ9MD Cameroon by IZ4UEZ

EUDXF will be part of the DX-Plaza in this years Hamradio in Friedrichshafen.
You will find the EUDXF at stand A1–752