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EUDXF Member #001 Franz Langer, DJ9ZB SK

We are very sorry to report that well known DXer and EUDXF Member of the first minute Franz DJ9ZB has gone silent key, May 7th, 2022.

We all know what Franz meant for the DX community, he will be missed.

RIP Franz!

EUDXF Founding President Dieter Löffler (ex DK9KD) SK

With deep sadness we have to announce that our first president Dieter Löffler has passed away on 16 February 2022.

Our life-member passed away just few days after his 86th birthday. When EUDXF was founded in 1986, Dieter volunteered as first President of our club and he served in this position for a remarkable period of eleven years. Despite his high workload from running his own company in Cologne he restlessly worked enthusiastically in order to establish and expand the young DX foundation and to further develop it to a trade mark in the DX community. From its very beginning it was Dieter’s merit that EUDXF grew to a powerful association which was able to support countless DXpeditions around the globe. Many of the QSL cards from these “good old times” show the EUDXF logo due to generous sponsoring which in many cases was not paid by membership contributions rather than Dieter’s personal budget. Dieter took care that from the very beginning all EUDXF members received the annual newsletter. Only his wish to retire from his responsible task led to a handover into younger hands in 1997. It is hard to overestimate his support and devotion to our foundation. We owe him a great debt of gratitude for his extraordinary dedication. We will honour his memory.

On behalf of the EUDXF Board and Officers,

Dominik, DL5EBE – EUDXF President

EUDXF supports the VU4W DXpedition to Andaman Islands

The EUDXF is happy to announce their support to the May 2022 DXpedition to Andaman Islands, VU4W.

A team consisting of wellknown DXpeditioner Yuris/YL2GM with local support from Manoj/VU2CPL and Deepak/VU2CDP plan to be on the air from Andaman Islands, VU4W from May 3 to 16, 2022.

More information at their website: