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There was a total of 11.244 QSOs in the logbook when OE30EUDXF went QRT on 28.December after nearly 3 months of operation.  It was an enormous challenge when applying for the special call sign for such a long period, and without the help of Dom, DL5EBE it would probably not have been possible to get the permission from the Austrian authority, again thank you very much Dom.

The whole activity has been a lot of fun and some pile ups were enormous.The QSL cards are printed and will be send to the bureau soon. I also had the pleasure to design the 30 EUDXF awards, which I hope you like.At last I wish the EUDXF we will get many new members cause of this super activation. Happy New Year and many DX!

73 Jo OE4VIE  ( OE30EUDXF )