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News from the 3D2EU team on Rotuma

March 10, 2018 – 17.00 UTC:

A short update:

We just passend 20k qso’s. With 5 days to go, reaching our goal of 30k we need a miracle.

During our Sunset and sunrise we tried to be active on 80 and 160m. The noise level on 160 is killing is. Even on the K9AY the signals are not better.

After our sunrise and sunset 20 and 17 meters are usable for Europa. We try to give the Europeans our priority above the others as this Path is very difficult and only available for a few hours compared to the other continents. The noise on 20 and 17 meters is most of the time around S5, so difficult to copy weak signals.

On Thursday we will disconnect our antennas and put them in the boxes for transport.

Hopefully we Will have à few good low band openings the coming days.

We leave Friday by plane to Suva. The boxes will be shipped by boat.

We will stay 2 days at Suva and meet our friend Tony 3D2AG, without him it would have been impossible to make this DXpedition.