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HG33EUDXF report

Dear Friends,

I joined for this activity on first word.

The first days the pile-up rised up quickly and was very enjoyable.
Days later I needed to use the Dx Clusters to get more callers. New age…L

I was very busy with my work so the daylight operation was very limited for me. My QSOs were made mostly on 80 and 40 m bands at early morning and evening time. I operated on CW, SSB and RTTY but mostly on CW. (it is a family friend silent mode… 🙂 )

I’m living in the central part of our town. There are many 4 stories buldings with lot of flats, with terrible lot of swiching power suplies and battery chargers. This equipments generated noise alone and mixed together, the reason is stable S8-9 noise level on all bands. The propagation is very poor in the bottom of Sun activity, so these two things doing to hard to copy the weaker stations.

I made 3736 QSOs in it 2635 unique calls from 73 DXCC entities.

In this period we have got 2 little boys, The Twins are our wonderful grandchildren. We are very happy! 🙂

73 to all de Laci HA0HW operated HG33EUDXF