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EUDXF welcomes Tomi OH2ID as a new member

OH2ID, Tomi Helpiö, Espoo / Lohja, Finland


Born in 1966, I was licensed in 1982 and received the callsign OH3ID. In 2011 I got additionally the callsign OH2ID which places my station more clearly to the Helsinki-metropolitan area. My QTH is in Lohja, about 60 km west from Helsinki.

I´m especially interested in working in the HF-bands using CW. I also enjoy the occasional contest. I´m very much interested in the amateur radio technology. I´m the technical editor of the Finnish amateur radio magazine “Radioamatööri”.

As equipment I use an Elecraft K3 with P3, and my antennas are a Kelemen dipole for 80/40/30 m and verticals for 30…10 m. For 40 m band I’ve got additionally a turnstile antenna enabling circular polarization. For keying I use, besides a computer running the N1MM+-software, a Begali Magnum paddle (#34) and a Microham Microkeyer II. In 2015 I got interested in digital modes and I’m active especially in PSK and JT-modes, now also in FT-8.

Awards:   DXCC-CW (150), WAE-TOP-CW, WAC-CW, QRP-DXCC.