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EUDXF welcomes Rolf DL7VEE as a new member

DL7VEE – EUDXF New Member # 940

My name is Rolf. I am married with Heidi and we have two daughters. Born in 1950, my first contact with ham radio was in 1965 at school. At that time I became a SWL. Later in February 1968 I got my first license as DM3XHF.

Previous own calls were DM3XHF, DM2CMF, DT2CMF, DM3HF, Y23MF, Y23CO and DL7VEE since 1992. I am also a passioned DXpeditioner and participated in the following DXpeditions: 2 times HBØ/DL7VEE, 3 times ZB2/DL7VEE, ZP6/DL7VEE (2008), 9XØSP & 9UØA (2010), S9DX (2011), ZK2C (2012), 5WØM (2013), T3ØD (2014), V73D (2015), 4S7GWG/4S7RTG (2016) and MD/DL7VEE (2016). My last activity as XX9D to Macao was in February 2017. All logs are still open and colour QSLs are available via the respective QSL manager.

Personally I am interested in DXing on all bands in CW, SSB and Digimodes, collecting band points and from time to time participating in contests and collecting difficult awards. I am QRV from 160 m to 2 m on CW, SSB, RTTY, JT65 and FT8. QSL is 100% sure via direct, bureau, LoTW or via ClubLog OQRS. For my DXpeditions I only reply to incoming QSLs. Please send me a mail in case of missing confirmations.

Since December 2012 I have again confirmed DXCC HONOR ROLL Nr. 1 in MIXED & Phone by ARRL. My current DXCC ARRL scores are (31-DEC-2016): MIXED 339, SSB 339, CW 338, Digimodes 332

Best 73s,

Rolf, DL7VEE