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EUDXF supports VU4R Dxpedition

The EUDXF Board decided to support the upcoming VU4R DXpedition to Andaman and Nicobar Islands

The VU4R Team will be on the air March 20-31 mainly focusing on 160, 80 and 40 and hoping to get on 60 meters too, a first time thing from there. They will also be in the CQ WPX Contest.

On the operator list for this Andamans operation are VU2ABS, VU2BGS, VU2DED, VU2DSI, VU2GHO, VU2KWJ, VU2NT, VU2RS (ex-VU3RSB) and VU3UFE.

The QTH will be the northern tip of Neil Island with a clear shot to Europe and North America. All the antennas will be on the beach.

QSL via M0OXO.

There will also be a Club Log upload when the network connection allows.

There will be at least three stations on the air. They will have a SteppIR and hexbeam for the higher bands and verticals for the lower ones.

More info on their website:  http://vu4r.vu3rsb.org