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EUDXF support for the upcoming ZL7/K5WE DXpedition

It is our pleasure to announce that the EUDXF Board decided to support the upcoming ZL7/K5WE DXpedition to Chatham Island.
The plan is for ZL7/K5WE  to be active beginning September 9 through September 21, 2022 from the NE coast settlement of Kaingaroa on all bands 160-10 meters (including 60 meters)  using the CW, SSB, FT8, FT4, and RTTY modes.
The Chatham Islands entity is currently #82 on the Clublog Most Wanted List.
KD5GEY will be joining K5WE in this operation and their hope is to put at least 20,000 QSOs in the log. A sincere effort will be made to work Europe.
For more information please see the DXpedition webpage: