This year on Saturday evening !
Also this year again the EUDXF members and partners are cordially invited to attend the EUDXF DX dinner, this will take place in Gasthof Traube, Storchenstraße 1, 88069 Tettnang. ( on Saturday 22 Jun 2019. The start will be around 19:00 local time. Participation is only possible for EUDXF members who paid their annual dues including 2019 and who have made a reservation in advance. Reservations are on a first come first served basis. The maximum number of participants is 50. Reservations can be made until Jun 22 nd 2019 via the EUDXF stand manager Jan PA1TT (e-mail reservation until 15 Jun: pa1tt at eudxf . eu). Except for those with dietary requirements (please tell Jan) there will be a set menu. We hope to see you there.