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DJ9ON appointed as DXCC card checker

Sometimes it takes a while.... We proudly announce that EUDXF founding member Dieter Messer DJ9ON has been appointed as ARRL DXCC card checker with immediate effect. As such, Dieter will be responsible for checking and forwarding DXCC, WAS, VUCC and WAC applications to the ARRL Awards Branch for final processing. Dieter is also eligible to check cards for 160 meter confirmations.
Sometimes it takes a while…. We proudly announce that EUDXF founding member Dieter Messer DJ9ON has been appointed as ARRL DXCC card checker with immediate effect.
As such, Dieter will be responsible for checking and forwarding DXCC, WAS, VUCC and WAC applications to the ARRL Awards Branch for final processing. Dieter is also eligible to check cards for 160 meter confirmations.