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On the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the EUDXF, 3 French members of the club wanted to give their share in the celebrations on the air.
French regulations do not permit a 5-letter suffix callsign, so Gerry F2VX, who applied for the license, suggested to use EUDX instead. Also, French regulations allow a special callsign (always with TM prefix for metropolitan France) only for a period of 15 days. The exact rules are 15 days, not necessarily consecutive, within a period of 6 months.

Gerry thought the beginning of November should be fine.
The team consisted in Gerry F2VX, Terry F6CUK and Paul F6EXV. All with solid DXpedition experience.

Because we all operated from our home QTH, we had to know if and where the others were operating at a given time, so we self spotted to easily share this information. We were not permitted to operate same mode on same band simultaneously. In fact, Gerry operated exclusively on SSB, Terry on both SSB and CW, and Paul on FT8 and CW.

The propagation was not too good, so we concentrated on 80 to 17m, but we took it easy on the operating.
The results are fair : 7645 QSOs, 134 countries worked (74 on SSB, 71 on CW and 125 on FT8). The log has been already uploaded to LoTW. At this writing time, we have 104 entities confirmed (mixed) on LoTW, with 100 on FT8 alone.
Alex PA1AW will take care of the paper card requests, preferably through OQRS.

It was great fun to participate, and an honour to represent France on the bands for the anniversary celebrations.

See you next year !
The TM33EUDX team

EUDXF Workshop 2019

Today the EUDXF Board and the EUDXF officers gathered at Jan DJ5AN for the annual workshop discussing past, present and future of the European DX Foundation. With board members DL5EBE and LA7GIA joining the meeting by Skype the whole team was present some new plans were discussed.

Just 1 day left in the EUDXF activity month

At this moment over 35.000 QSO’S are in the logs of the various 33EUDX(F) special event stations. Some of these station are allready QRt and some will be there for the last day tomorrow. Also the last day to catch that missing QSO for the 33 EUDXF Award. Please read the 33EUDXF Award rules as they differ from previous years.
Please note that ZS33EUDXF was not active, so you do not need him for the Platimum Award.