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33EUDXF Awards issued

The first batch of 33EUDXF Awards have been issued.
In total 178 awards to 106 different stations are sent.
A special achievement is made by SM4IED, OM3CND, R4AN, E72A, HA1ZH, VO1SA, SV1AJO and HA7XL by obtaining the Platinum status of the award.


As a fairly new EUDXF member (#967) I volunteered to activate one of the Dutch special event stations for the 33th anniversary of the EUDXF. I was curious to see what a special call can do compared to my ‘ordinary’ call.

When I signed up, I already indicated that my activity will be CW only, and with somewhat limited time due to the fact that I work 5 days/week and have a long commuting distance. This would mean only activity in the evenings and in the weekends. At night, man-made noise is quite an issue at my location (80 and 160m hardly usable), so in a sense it was a bit of a challenge.

Anyway, in the first two days of November I had some time and I could start off right away. The first 250 QSOs were easily made. Demand was great and I could raise some nice runs. In the weeks after I witnessed the following things.

  1. Demand gradually decreased
  2. Demand for EUDXF is predominantly coming from European stations (not a real surprise I guess)
  3. Conditions were not good. Made 23 QSOs on 18 MHz, and never used a higher band
  4. Number of QSOs were in the end nicely spread over 80, 40, 30 and 20m. This was more like a coincidence than a planned thing …
  5. Made a 30 minutes entry in the one hour UKEICC 80m CW contest (29 QSOs). A long callsign, albeit a special one, is not an advantage in such occasion …
  6. CW rules, but for higher volumes of QSOs you have to be active in other modes as well (not my cup of coffee)

Given the ability of my station (Mosley minibeam @ 10m, 30/40m vertical, 80m inv.L) I think I delivered the call to those who were really looking for it (in particular the 33EUDXF Award hunters). I had a few openings to North America and was called by some nice DX on 30m around grayline time. With a gross number of 1083 QSOs (35 dupes) I am quite satisfied. I recommend this activity to anyone who wants to play around with a special callsign. Next year’s Px34EUDXF stations will provide the fun again.

Elecraft K3, SPE 1K-FA, uKeyerII, Begali Signature paddle, N1MM+logger with ClubLog real-time upload by G7VJR

Enno Korma, PF5X.
November 2019

The EUDXF Activity Month is history

I can imagine you ask yourself today “What happened on the bands?
Let me answer the question for you; EUDXF Activity Month is over and all 33EUDXF stations are QRT.

For sure the 14 Special Event Stations made a lot of activity over the past few weeks on the various bands and modes. We like to thank all operators who made this activity month possible.

Up to now 129 applications are received for the 33EUDXF Award and judging on the comments received with the application also this parts of the EUDXF Activity Month was received very well.
You are still invited to apply for the unique 33EUDXF Award, you can find the rules here