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Using PH30EUDXF (October 10 to November 6, 2016) to celebrate that the European DX Foundation is supporting the DX world for 30 years was fun.

Sometimes the pile up could be worked off only after going split. And sometimes also normal QSOs could be made. Sorry that I got ill during my 4 weeks of using the call.

Thanks to all who called me.

73, Wino PA0ABM / PH30EUDXF

(PS. PH3ØEUDXF was activated in december by PE1NCP also)


Ronald PA3EWP

The last QSO’s are in the log for PF30EUDXF. I have activated this call for 2 months (October and December. In November I activated PI30EUDXF also from our contest location of PI4COM. I enjoyed it very much. It was nice to have short pile-ups on all bands in all modes (that from a country on the most wanted list #329 hi hi). A lot of people were hunting for the 30Y EUDXF award and succeeded. I am sure we made a lot of publicity for EUDXF, so I hope we will have more members. That would be perfect so we can support more DXpeditions in the coming years.

I wish everybody a very healthy and successful 2017 and of course with a lot of DX.

(I can’t wait for activating PF31EUDXF).

See you in de pile-up from Pitcairn VP6EU.

Ronald Stuy, PA3EWP


Boardmember EUDXF – https://www.eudxf.eu