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EUDXF supports H40GC DXpedition 2017
The EUDXF board decided to support the H40GC DXpedition 2017.
H40GC is a DXpedition by Stan, LZ1GC. He will activate again Temotu Province as he did in 2016. This activity will be between 30 September and 20 October 2017. He will focus this activity on low bands and SSB mode on more HF bands!
This DXpedition will be also with Humanitarian action to people of Temotu Province !
Stan will operate from Lata, Nendo Island (IOTA OC -100), Grid Loc: RH29XF.
During this activity Stan (LZ1GC) will use Kenwood TS – 480 SAT transceiver and linear amplifier ACOM – 1200 S ( 1 KW ). The antennas will be Vertical on 160 & 80 meters and EXP. GP on 40 – 10 meters, including WARC bands. This activity will be on all HF bands (160 – 10) – CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK modes.
Temotu Province ( H40 ) is easternmost province of the Solomon Islands. The province was formerly know as Santa Cruz Islands Province. It consists, essentially of two chains of islands which run parallel to each other from the northwest to the southeast. Its area is 895 square kilometres with the population about 21 000. The most of the inhabitants of Tikopia Isl., Anuta Isl., the Duff Islands and some of the Reef Islands are Polynesians.
More information: http://www.c21gc.com/index.php/t2gc-plans
The EUDXF Board and Officers meet 29 april 2017
April 29th, 2017 the EUDXF Board and Officers will gather to discuss various EUDXF topics.
The main topic is to find an anwer to the question on how to make the EUDXF to be a more significant added value for the DX world, and for the EUDXF members.
As always ideas and suggestions are welcome. You are encouraged to inform EUDXF president Dominik DL5EBE by sending him a mail with your ideas and suggestions. A simple click here will do the job for you.
A few weeks ago all EUDXF members received the same question by email and some valuable ideas were brought forward.
EUDXF supports E51LYC DXpedition to Pukapuka Atoll (OC-098), North Cook Islands
Cezar, VE3LYC, will travel to Pukapuka Atoll (OC-098), North Cook Islands, between 9 and 23 May 2017 and operate as E51LYC.
Pukapuka is the most remote atoll in the Cook Islands, situated about 1200 km north-west of Rarotonga. There are no regular commercial flights or boat cruises to the atoll. Cezar will stay with one of the locals, expecting living conditions to be basic – this is not a tourist destination.
He will operate on 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10m CW, SSB.
The OC-098 IOTA group has been last on the air more than 22 years ago, and as such is in demand by 92% of the IOTA membership.
More info on the DX Pedition website – www.e51lyc.weebly.com