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EUDXF welcomes Tom PA3TG as a new member

Hi all,

I obtained my Novice license in 2013 (PD3TG) and my Full license incl. CW in 2014 (PA3TG) but have always showed interest in Ham radio since the 80’s this was also when i got my morse notification but then stopped more or less with the hobby, i also got my maritime radio license incl. cw during the 90’s so stayed connected with the airwaves.

In the 90’s i went to sea as an officer on a merchant cargo vessel and did that for 6 years where i saw a lot of the world, after that i came to shore working for a offshore vessel company where i still travel a lot.

I am a member of the contest group PA6NB with main focus on CW.

Last year i travelled a lot to Nigeria and have obtained the callsign 5N40TG which i hopefully can activate some time in future since the stability of the country went down rapidly the last couple of months i am for the moment not allowed to travel there.

I also have the callsign A65TG since i also go several times a year to the Emirate of Sharjah in U.A.E.

But my main focus is always Africa where i have been travelling to ZS, CN, EA8, 5N , 9G till sofar and hope to visit some countries more in future.

Since i have been active from a DX country as 5N/PA3TG (Nigeria) earlier, this tastes for more and i enjoyed working the pileups both CW and SSB aswell so i am very interested if there are open spots in a future DX-pedition which i can possibly join.

Thanks and 73’s,

Tom – PA3TG

EUDXF supports TN5E DXpedition by LA7GIA

Ken – LA7GIA with the NCDXC’s William Howard Myers-W6OL Award for excellence as a CW Operator on a DXpedition.

The EUDXF Board decided to  support the upcoming DXpediotion by Ken LA7GIA to visit Brazzaville – Congo.

Ken will be active as TN5E between 25 May and 04 June 2017.

 Operation will be 80-10m + probably 6 meter using the following equipment:

  • Radio Elecraft K3 (upgraded)
  • Radio TS480SAT as backup
  • Amplifier Ameritron ALS 500m 400 W output.
  • 2 element rotatable beam on 14-21-28 MHz up 25-30 meter
  • Wire dipole on 80,40,30,17,12m up 25-30 meter
  • 80m dipole fixed to EU
  • 40+30+17+15+12m dipole fixed to NA/VK
  • 5 el Cushcraft 50 MHz rotatable beam up 25 meter
  • Low band receving antennas, homebrew K9AY and BOG
  • Wire backup antennas on all frequencies (dipole/delta loop)

 FREE LoTW and clublog will be uploaded.

 QTH: Brazzaville, Congo. JI75PR

More info on Ken his website

EUDXF welcomes Morten LB8DC as a new member

Morten Kvernmoen – LB8DC (ex LA9DFA)


I was born into this world in 1965, and started playing with electronics and radios in the early 1980’s. I was licensed in 1986 as LB8DC. At that time, this was a novice license and I was limited to use 15w output and only CW. Soon I upgraded my license to a full license and got the callsign LA9DFA with higher privileges. Since then the licensing rules have changed in Norway, and in December 2015 I took back my old callsign and are now licensed as LB8DC again.


I enjoy contesting and DX hunting and can often be heard in contests and pileups. I am now on DXCC Honor Roll, but has a few left to get to Honor Roll no.1. I have just passed the 2500 mark for the DXCC-Challenge. Worked 9BDXCC and are 2 DXCC’s away from DXCC on 6m. In contests I operates as LA3C, LN3C and in 2014 I used LI3C earning many awards in contests.


I am member of LADXG and EUDXF. I have been operating from Svalbard as JW9DFA 3 times (1993/2006/2011), and I have been a member of the QLF DX-team operating as OJ0LA from Market Reef in 2006. My last DXpedition was with DipperDX Team to Cocos (Keeling) Island in 2016 as VK9CK.


My daily work is as a Senior Consultant at IBM (International Business Machines).

I am married to Mariann and lives in a small village named Brandval in the south-east part of Norway. No kids.

My favorite mode is CW, but work some SSB and RTTY to when the situation requires it.


Hope to work you all in an upcoming DXpedition late this autumn J


73 de Morten LB8DC