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EUDXF supports the VP2MDL DXpedition to Montserrat
The EUDXF Board decided to support the 2017 VP2MDL Dxpedition to Montserrat.
This DXpedition will take place between November 06 and November 20, 2017, and will be active with two stations from 160m through 10m on CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31.
The equipment consists of:
- Transceivers K2 and K3
- two OX1000 power amplifiers
- an inverted Vee lowband dipol
- 40m 2 element yagi
- 30m loop
- Spiderbeam for 20m through 10m
Montserrat (VP2M) has the IOTA reference number NA-103
The experienced crew includes:
- DJ6TF, Tom
- DK1BT, Manfred
- DL4WK, Wolf
- DL7DF, Sigi
- DL7UFR, Frank
- DL7VEE, Rolf
- SP3DOI, Leszek
Pilot for this DXpedition is Bernd, DF3CB.
The QSL route is via DL7DF either direct to:
Sigi Presch, DL7DF
Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123
12621 Berlin
or via the German QSL bureau DARC to DL7DF.
The team will upload the full logs of the DXpedition to LoTW within 6 months after the DXpedition.
More info at http://dl7df.com/vp2m/
Humanitarian Support of VP2EKG
The EUDXF received a very special out of scope support request to help those who suffer from the recent severe nature catastrophy in the Carribean.
It is therefore decided that EUDXF will donate 250,- EUR in support to VP2EKG for a new generator.
DX-Treffen under the watchful eye of the castle in Bad Bentheim
On behalf of the EUDXF board their President Dominik Weiel (DL5EBE) invited all members to the annual general meeting, during this years DNAT (German/Dutch Amateur Radio Days) in Bad Bentheim.
While some of the partipants, who arrived early, enjoyed their dinner in the Hotel Birkemeier, Engelbertink (PA4UNX) and Hans (DK3PZ) audited the financial statements of EUDXF. The casbook was once again perfectly prepaired by the cashier Robert F.Lörks (DL1EBV) and was released without any objections.
For all the topics of the meeting – as usual – detailed minutes were written.
Besides the official part of the meeting there was plenty of time for individual discussions, renew old acquaintances and make new friends.
Ronald Stuy (PA3EWP) gave a highly interesting presentation about the Dxpedition to Pitcairn Island with the call VP6EU.
See you next year in August 2018 during the 50th anniversary of DNAT in Bad Bentheim.
Hans DK3PZ