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EUDXF Website made it to “DXCC”
It took just over a year to achieve “DXCC” with the renewed EUDXF Website.
Over 51.000 visitors from 100 countries show the website shows that the website meets a need.
Of course we are always open to suggestions and wishes in relation to the website.
Please let us know what you find through the contact form or by email
EUDXF Sponsors the current 3C0L DXpedition
EUDXF supports April 2018 DXpedition to St Brandon. – 3B7
The EUDXF Board is happy to share their decision to support the April 2018 DXpedition to St Brandon – 3B7.
Although St Brandon 3B7 does not fully complies with the EUDXF guidelines set for DXpedition support, the combination of the Clublog most wanted position in the top 75 and the very experienced team responsible for earlier succesfull DXpeditions to Juan de Nova FT4JA and Tromelin FT4TA made it easy for the board to give a possitive answer on the request for support received from the team.
The team for this operation on St Brandon island is made of previous operators from FT4TA and FT4JA; skilled operators who bring their knowledges to make of this operation a success and a wonderful experience for everybody.
More information : http://www.saintbrandondx.com