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We received the following from the Swains2020 team:

Swains2020 W8S Breaking News:

In close cooperation with Alex Jennings, the representative of Swains Island, the team has decided to postpone the W8S DXpedition to Swains Island to autumn of 2020.

The reason behind this postponement is the travel restrictions when entering American Samoa, restrictions imposed by the Department of Health of American Samoa as a result of the Corona virus outbreak.
The Department of Health allows non-residents to enter American Samoa only via Hawaii, after a 14 days mandatory quarantine in Hawaii.

For the team this is not a workable situation. It would require extending the holiday time by an additional 2 weeks, re-routing of the flights and purchasing new tickets etc.

Everything is prepared for our DXpedition, and we are eager to go, but unfortunately the Corona virus outbreak is out of our control.

Although this is a disappointment for everyone, the W8S DXpedition is not cancelled, but just postponed for later this year!

You and/or your DX-club made a donation to the Swains DXpedition, which is very much appreciated by the whole team as that helps the team to cover some part of the investment the team already made.
However if you are considering withdrawing your donation, please just let us know.

As soon as we have the new firm date for the DXpedition we will update you and the whole DX-community.

See our website, Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and announcements.


News about T30ET – Western Kiribati

Alex 5B4ALX shares the following information with us:

Hi dear, I would like to inform you of some news on T30ET.
Air Solomon informed me on Friday about the cancellation of my return flight from Tarawa to Solomon then Brisbane in the reason of changing the weekly day of the flight (only one flight per week lands), proposing to bring forward to March 31st instead of April 2nd.
After a careful economic and impact assessment on the activities, I decided to postpone the return to April 7th.
This will involve an additional expense of over 1000 USD but I think the right choice instead of paying penalties for having two days less.

The new scheduled dates are therefore March 18 – April 7.

This will allow more people to have a T30ET log

More info:  http://www.5b4alx.cloud/racoon-dx-project/

HU1DL in action…..

It is clear that the EUDXF is one of the sponsors of HU1DL.