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EUDXF Board member Hans PB2T winner of the ‘Roy Stevens G2BVN Memorial Trophy’
The winners of the ‘Roy Stevens G2BVN Memorial Trophy’ were announced during the meeting of the IARU Region 1 Conference on October 24, 2021. Hans Blondeel Timmerman (PB2T) and also Ole Garpestad (LA2RR) have been added to the illustrious company of winners of this trophy. The coveted trophy is awarded to radio amateurs who have best illustrated the work and dedication of Roy Stevens (G2BVN) in international amateur radio. Radio amateurs from all over the world are eligible. The decision regarding the award of the trophy was made by an independent panel, chaired this year by SARL Secretary Dennis Green (ZS4BS).
Hans Blondeel Timmerman (PB2T) was chairman of IARU Region 1 from 2008 to 2014 and the secretary for the last four years. Before that, Hans Blondeel Timmerman was a member of the Executive Committee from 2002 and chairman of the Region 1 External Relations Committee. Hans Blondeel Timmerman has been IARU Satellite Advisor since 2016 and chairs the global IARU panel that coordinates frequency allocations for satellites in amateur frequencies. In addition, he has been widely involved in ITU and CEPT affairs. He has also led activities related to critical agenda items for amateur radio services in CEPT matters in preparation for the World Radio Conferences.
The EUDXF is proud to have Hans PB2T as a Board Member and we like to congratulate him with this well deserved award!
11 days into the 35 EUDXF Activity Month…
Time for a little summary on the 35 EUDXF Activity Month:
- All special callsigns have been active!
- QSO count is 17000+ which already exceeds the totals of previous years!
- Special note for UE35EUF here who really hit the air 🙂
- Already 50+ “35EUDXF” awards have been applied for including a few Platinum!
And still over 2 weeks left in the 35 EUDXF Activity Month.
EUDXF supports the 7P8RU DXpedition to Lesotho
The EUDXF board decided to support the 7P8RU DXpedition currently active from from Lesotho.
The team consisting of R7AL, RA1ZZ, RW9JZ, OK8AU, R5EC, RU3UR will operate on 160 – 6m, CW, SSB and Digital modes.
More info on the teams website
QSL via R7AL, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.