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The first batch of 35EUDXF awards are issued

It is our pleasure that today the first batch of 35EUDXF awards were issued and sent out, in total 205 awards.

The large number of Platinum awards proves that the activity month has been a real activity month. No fewer than 8 stations managed to work in all 35EUDXF stations and thus obtain the platinum award, a great achievement.

If you also have 35EUDXF stations in your log, you may also qualify for a 35EUDXF award. Look here for the rules

35EUDXF Activity Month is history

It is early December so the 35EUDXF Activity Month of November is history.
And for sure it was and activity month…….
Daily the various 35EUDXF Special Event Stations were to be found on the various bands and modes.
An estimated total of OVER 45000 QSO’s prove there have been plenty of activity.

Some feedback from the 35EUDXF operators:

OQ35EUDXF went well for me. I was mostly QRV in FT8, due to my busy work schedule, but managed more than 2500 QSO’s.
The thing that I wanted to test has worked flawless. I coupled my N1MM logger with the Clublog “live” and this worked nice!
Got some nice mails from stations that wanted a sced with me to gain the award… Nice to see people do everything to get into the log, hihi
73’s Marc, ON6CC, OR3A

I had a great experience when operating PB35EUDXF in the month of November. A lot of stations around the globe were searching for EUDXF S.E.S. so I hope they may have worked a lot of us and have scored enough points to request one of the different Awards available.
Thank you all for another great EUDXF activity and see you next time.
73 Bob PB5X

OE35EUDXF;  I have had consistently positive experiences with the activity, I was a few days off cause of QRL and CQWW weekend but I managed to log 7123 QSOs. Unfortunately, the callers in CW compared to my EUDXF activations in the years 2016 and 2018 have declined significantly, without cluster spot no traffic at all but I must say that 40m and 80m was always good for big CW pile ups. In contrast to the FT8 operation where always quickly a pile up has come about. The QSL cards are printed and I start already with the dispatch of the OQRS requested bureau and direct QSLs.
73 Jo OE6VIE

So also “the other side” had a great time…

I allready received approx 150 35EUDXF award applications and still daily new ones come in. As soon as all logs are availble for checking the awards will start coming out. Hopefully before Xmas.

More info on the 35EUDXF Award:  click here

EUDXF President in action R4BE/p

As a temporary Russian resident Dominik Dl5EBE aka. R4BE activates verious RDA’s from his “mobile shack”.
And yess, the heater does work  🙂

Look for R4BE/m in the CW portion of the band