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EUDXF welcomes Tomi OH2ID as a new member

OH2ID, Tomi Helpiö, Espoo / Lohja, Finland


Born in 1966, I was licensed in 1982 and received the callsign OH3ID. In 2011 I got additionally the callsign OH2ID which places my station more clearly to the Helsinki-metropolitan area. My QTH is in Lohja, about 60 km west from Helsinki.

I´m especially interested in working in the HF-bands using CW. I also enjoy the occasional contest. I´m very much interested in the amateur radio technology. I´m the technical editor of the Finnish amateur radio magazine “Radioamatööri”.

As equipment I use an Elecraft K3 with P3, and my antennas are a Kelemen dipole for 80/40/30 m and verticals for 30…10 m. For 40 m band I’ve got additionally a turnstile antenna enabling circular polarization. For keying I use, besides a computer running the N1MM+-software, a Begali Magnum paddle (#34) and a Microham Microkeyer II. In 2015 I got interested in digital modes and I’m active especially in PSK and JT-modes, now also in FT-8.

Awards:   DXCC-CW (150), WAE-TOP-CW, WAC-CW, QRP-DXCC.

EUDXF welcomes Rolf DL7VEE as a new member

DL7VEE – EUDXF New Member # 940

My name is Rolf. I am married with Heidi and we have two daughters. Born in 1950, my first contact with ham radio was in 1965 at school. At that time I became a SWL. Later in February 1968 I got my first license as DM3XHF.

Previous own calls were DM3XHF, DM2CMF, DT2CMF, DM3HF, Y23MF, Y23CO and DL7VEE since 1992. I am also a passioned DXpeditioner and participated in the following DXpeditions: 2 times HBØ/DL7VEE, 3 times ZB2/DL7VEE, ZP6/DL7VEE (2008), 9XØSP & 9UØA (2010), S9DX (2011), ZK2C (2012), 5WØM (2013), T3ØD (2014), V73D (2015), 4S7GWG/4S7RTG (2016) and MD/DL7VEE (2016). My last activity as XX9D to Macao was in February 2017. All logs are still open and colour QSLs are available via the respective QSL manager.

Personally I am interested in DXing on all bands in CW, SSB and Digimodes, collecting band points and from time to time participating in contests and collecting difficult awards. I am QRV from 160 m to 2 m on CW, SSB, RTTY, JT65 and FT8. QSL is 100% sure via direct, bureau, LoTW or via ClubLog OQRS. For my DXpeditions I only reply to incoming QSLs. Please send me a mail in case of missing confirmations.

Since December 2012 I have again confirmed DXCC HONOR ROLL Nr. 1 in MIXED & Phone by ARRL. My current DXCC ARRL scores are (31-DEC-2016): MIXED 339, SSB 339, CW 338, Digimodes 332

Best 73s,

Rolf, DL7VEE

EUDXF welcomes Claude ON7TK as a new member


I’m married with Carine ON7LX and we have two lovely children, Aimé (1981) and Eline (1985). We are living in a old farm since more than 25 years. I’m interested in ham radio since I was a little boy. In 1979 I took part to the ham examinations and I became ON1AXQ. A few months later I passed the Morse code examination and ON7TK was on the air. The 1st of May 1980 I made my first QSO on the HF bands with Hugo EA8TE. Since that time I’ve been frequently active on all HF bands. More than 47 000 QSOs have been made since that time. My favorite ham activity is DXing on the low bands (160m & 80m) and building antennas for my station. I’m also frequently active in various contests. From time to time I’m active with my vanity call sign OT7U. I’m very happy that I can share my station with Carine and that we have a lot of fun on the station. The children are not interested in ham radio. But now we are hoping that the grandchildren will… I’ve always been active in our royal amateur radio association (member of IARU), the UBA (Koninklijke Unie van de Belgische Zendamateurs – Union royale belge des amateurs-émeteurs – Königliche Union der Belgischen Funkamateure). In 1983 I became president of our local radio club in Torhout (UBA/TRA). Three years later I was elected as District Manager for our province West-Vlaanderen. In 1995 I was elected member of the Board of the UBA. For three years I was the vice-president of the UBA and later I became treasurer (2004). Since 2007 I’m the president of the UBA. Together with the other members of the board we’re working hard for a good amateur radio association and a better ham radio in Belgium. We’re also working hard to get young people interested into the world of ham radio. Look for more information at: http://www.uba.be

See you on the bands…

Claude – ON7TK