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Short Summary from the EUDXF AGM 2019

The Annual General Meeting of the EUDXF took place in Bad Bentheim, Germany, on 24 August 2019. The full meeting minutes will be available soon. Highlights were the results of the triennial Board elections and the nomination of Jan PA1TT/DJ5AN as a Life Member.

Board Election Results
51,5% of the EUDXF members participated in the elections. Dom, DL5EBE, received 90.6% of the votes and was re-elected as President.
The election results for the Board Members are as follows:
Ron, PA3EWP, received 75,4% of the votes and was re-elected as a Board Member.
Hans, PB2T, received 59.4% of the votes and was re-elected as a Board Member.
Jan, DJ8NK, received 50.7% of the votes and was re-elected as a Board Member.
Achim, DF3EC, and Ken, LA7GIA, received both 47.1% of the votes. Because of the tie between DF3EC and LA7GIA, DF3EC decided to withdraw his nomination, giving the Board of Directors the chance for an even more European mix by opening the way to Ken. Achim’s decision was accepted and much appreciated by all present members. As a result, LA7GIA was elected as a new Board Member. Achim, DF3EC, was appointed as advisor to the Board.
Sigi, DL7DF, received 33.3% of the votes.
Dieter, DJ9ON, received 21.0% of the votes.
Rag, LA5HE, received 15.9% of the votes.

Jan Stadman DJ5AN/PA1TT appointed as Life Member #51
The EUDXF has awarded Jan Stadman DJ5AN/PA1TT with life membership for his many years of dedicated service in support to the EUDXF. Jan has been the face of EUDXF at the Ham Radio hamfest in Friedrichshafen for many years. His efforts there and at other events led to a steady increase in the number of members.

Voting by Email

All members received their ballot card for the 2019 Elections of the EUDXF Board:

….ready for your vote by classic post service (do not forget the postage).

You can also vote by email using the special emailaddress: voting@eudxf.eu. Please note your membership number to allow easy verification

DX dinner at Hamradio 2019

Für Deutsche Version, siehe unten.
Pour le version en Francais.
Per la versione in italiano vedi sotto.
Voor de Nederlandse versie zie hieronder.

DX dinner 2019 at Hamradio in Friedrichshafen, this year on Saturday evening !
Also this year again the EUDXF members and partners are cordially invited to attend the EUDXF DX dinner, this will take place in Gasthof Traube, Storchenstraße 1, 88069 Tettnang. (www.traube-tettnang.de) on Saturday 22 Jun 2019. The start will be around 19:00 local time. Participation is only possible for EUDXF members who paid their annual dues including 2019 and who have made a reservation in advance. Reservations are on a first come first served basis. The maximum number of participants is 50. Reservations can be made until Jun 22 nd 2019 via the EUDXF stand manager Jan PA1TT (e-mail reservation until 15 Jun: pa1tt at eudxf . eu). Except for those with dietary requirements (please tell Jan) there will be a set menu. We hope to see you there.

DX Dinner auf der Hamradio in Friedrichshafen, in diesem Jahr am Samstagabend !
Auch in diesem Jahr sind die EUDXF Mitglieder und Partner zum EUDXF DX Dinner herzlich eingeladen. Es findet statt im Gasthof Traube, Storchenstraße 1, 88069 Tettnang. (www.traube-tettnang.de) am Samstag 22 Juni 2019. Angefangen wird um 19:00 Uhr Ortszeit. Teilnahme ist nur möglich für EUDXF Mitglieder, die ihre Jahresbeiträge einschließlich 2019 gezahlt und eine Reservierung im Voraus gemacht haben. Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. Die maximale Teilnehmerzahl beträgt 50. Reserviert werden kann bis zum 22 Jun 2019 über den EUDXF Standleiter Jan PA1TT (E-Mail Reservierung bis 15 juni: pa1tt at eudxf . eu). Außer für diejenigen mit Diät (Mitteilung an Jan) wird es ein Menü für alle geben. Wir hoffen, euch dort zu sehen.

DX dîner à Hamradio à Friedrichshafen, regarder cette année le samedi soir !
Cette année, de nouveau les membres EUDXF et leurs partenaires ont l’occasion d’assister au dîner EUDXF DX, qui prendra place à nouveau Gasthof Traube, Storchenstraße 1, 88069 Tettnang.(www.traube-tettnang.de) le vendredi, le Samedi 22 Jun 2019. On commence vers 19:00 heure locale. La participation est possible uniquement pour les membres EUDXF qui ont payé leur cotisation annuelle, y compris 2019 et qui ont fait une réservation à l’avance. Les réservations sont sur une base du premier arrivé, premier servi. Le nombre maximum de participants est 50. Les réservations peuvent être faites jusqu’au 22 er Junio 2019 via le Jan PA1TT manager stand EUDXF de (Email réservation jusqu’au 15 Junio: pa1tt à eudxf. eu). Sauf pour ceux qui suivent une diete (s’il vous plaît dire Jan) il y aura un menu. Nous espérons vous voir là-bas.

Anche quest’anno si terrà, la sera di sabato, la cena all’ Hamradio di Friedrichshafen !

Anche quest’anno i soci EUDXF e i loro partner hanno lk’opportunità di partecipare alla cena EUDXF DX, che ancora una volta avrà luogo presso Gasthof Traube, Storchenstraße 1, 88069 Tettnang (www.traube-tettnang.de)
il giorno sabato 22 Giugno 2019 alle 19:00 circa, la partecipazione sarà possibile esclusivamente ai membri EUDXF in regola con il pagamento della quota annuale 2019 e che avranno effettuato la prenotazione con il dovuto anticipo; le prenotazioni seguiranno
la regola del primo arrivato primo servito. Il numero massimo di partecipanti è fissato a 50 posti, le prenotazioni dovranno pervenire entro e non oltre il giorno 22 Jun 2019 al nostro stand manager EUDXF Jan PA1TT ( prenotazione via e-mail fino al 15 giugno:
pa1tt at eudxf . eu ) Eccezione fatta per coloro che hanno particolari esigenze alimentari (prego informare preventivamente Jan PA1TT), è previsto un menù fisso. Con la viva speranza di incontrarvi tutti.

DX diner tijdens de Hamradio in Friedrichshafen, let op dit jaar op zaterdagavond !
Ook dit jaar is er weer voor de EUDXF leden en hun partners de gelegenheid om het EUDXF DX diner bij te wonen, welke weer zal plaatsvinden in Gasthof Traube, Storchenstraße 1, 88069 Tettnang. (www.traube-tettnang.de) op zaterdag 22 Juni 2019. Het diner begint om 19:00 uur lokale tijd, Deelname is alleen mogelijk voor EUDXF leden die hun jaarlijkse contributie inclusief 2019 hebben voldaan en die een reservering hebben gemaakt. Reserveringen zijn op basis van wie het eerst komt het eerst maalt. Het maximum aantal deelnemers is 50. Reserveren kan tot en met 22 Juni 2019 via de EUDXF stand manager Jan PA1TT ( E-mail reservering tot 15juni: pa1tt at eudxf . eu ). Behoudens personen met dieetwensen (laat het Jan vooraf weten) zal er een vast menu zijn. Wij hopen u daar te zien.

Jan DJ5AN / PA1TT Standmanager.