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EUDXF supports the Z66DX DXpedition to Kosovo

The EUDXF Board of Directors decided to support the just completed Z66DX DXpedition to Kosovo.
Although this DXpedition does not comply to the funding rules set it was decided that because of the current special situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic the team deserves EUDXF support.

More information on the teams website:  http://www.z66dx.de/


Although we do not meet up in Friedrichshafen for HamRadio 2020 this weekend we still can enjoy the event online. Many varied topics relating to amateur radio, operating and broadcasting technology, as well as honors, talk groups and interviews will be presented on the internet by the DARC under the title „HAM RADIOnline“ from June 26 to 29, 2020.

The HAM RADIOnline program sees itself as a „replacement“ for the Lake Constance meeting in Friedrichshafen and starts on Friday evening of the last weekend in June.

Together, the DARC and the trade fair company are thus creating a virtual trade fair experience and bringing the volunteers, dealers and manufacturers to your home.  More information is available at https://www.hamradio-friedrichshafen.com/news/2020/ham-radionline/

TM33EUDX makes “DXCC”

Talking about 33 EUDXF activity….
Our French EUDXF friends at TM33EUDXF made the 100 mark on LOTW yesterday 🙂