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Sad news from the 3Y0Z team…

February 3, 2018, 2000 UTC: During the last 72 hours, we continued to experience the high winds, low clouds, fog and rough seas that have prevented helicopter operations since our arrival at Bouvet. No improvement was predicted in the weather forecast for the next four days. Then, last night, an issue developed in one of the ship’s engines.

This morning, the captain of the vessel declared it unsafe to continue with our project and aborted the DXpedition. We are now on our long voyage back to Punta Arenas. As you might imagine, the team is deeply disappointed, but safe. There is already talk about rescheduling the DXpedition,

Bob, K4UEE
Ralph, KØIR

Erling, LA6VM

We can only but imagine how difficult this decision must have been for the team. Lets hope they have a safe trip home…..

EUDXF support for new DXCC entity Kosovo Z6

A few days ago the Republic of Kosovo (Z6) has been added to the DXCC List of current entities, increasing the total number of current DXCC entities to 340.

The Board of Directors of the EUDXF decided to support this new European DXCC country by means of a € 500 donation to Kosovo’s IARU Society  SHRAK.

EUDXF Board Member Hans PB2T joined the Z60A team today which allows us to deliver the support directly there were it is needed most…..

To be continued….

EUDXF supports the 6O6O humanitarian fundraiser DXpedition to Somalia

The EUDXF Board is happy to share their decision to support the 6O6O humanitarian fundraiser DXpedition to Somalia.

A team of two operators, Adrian KO8SCA and EUDXF member Ken LA7GIA, are going to 6O – Somalia. Date of operation will be Jan 3rd to Jan 16th 2018. They received an invitation from the Ministry to go to Somalia and make amateur radio transmission. License is granted as 6O6O.

Humanitarian aspect

In conjunction with this trip they setup a humanitarian fundraiser where all donations received will be given directly to Doctors Without Borders in Somalia. Also the support received from the DXcommunity will go to this humanitarian fundraiser. The operators will cover their own expenses.

In 2016 Ken LA7GIA did a similar fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders in Central African Republic as TL8AO. That fundraiser ended on 11000 USD.

Somalia is a very poor country with an ongoing civil war. Doctors Without Borders quite recently returned to Somalia after having being absent for 4 years. They had to withdraw in 2012 after several attacks on their aid workers. In 2016 they returned, and we hope that the donation will be well received in Somalia as it will be earmarked their work in 6O. For more info of their work in Somalia , please see http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/country-region/somalia

A dedicated paypal address for donations is available: 6o6o@la7gia.com

More info is available on www.la7gia.com

Operation will be 160-10m. We will use the following equipment.

  • 2 x Radio Elecraft K3
  • 1 x Radio KX3 as backup
  • 2 Amplifiers: 1 KPA 500 and a 1 kW amplifier.
  • 2 el beam: 20-10m up 18 meter
  • 1 BigIR vertical 40-10m
  • 160+80 vertical antenna (inv L and fullsize 1/4 80m)
  • Several backup antennas
  • 1 beverage to EU/NA/VK/ZL 200m, 1 beverage to JA/SA 200m
  • Backup RX antennas K9AY loop, BOG antennas

QSL is via Charles M0OXO. LoTW and clublog will be uploaded.

They intend to offer instant clublog and LoTW upload (if wifi is working).