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KH1/KH7Z – Baker Island Propagation Press Release

Dated June 4, 2018

For Immediate Release:

Propagation Forecasts:

The 2018 DXpedition to Baker Island occurs during the declining side of the solar cycle where propagation is usually much, much worse, nearing the bottom (https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/solar-cycle-progression).  In addition, there are limited hours of darkness in some Northern Hemisphere locations.  However, this is the when our permit is valid and we are planning to maximize the time we are available to work to propagation challenged areas.  For instance, stations will be on 20 meters 24 hours a day.

First, thanks to Stu, K6TU, we have imbedded his tools in our website where you can run forecasts specific to your grid square and station properties.  Please visit http://www.baker2018.net/pages/propagation.html to see when and on what bands to look for us.  We have also run these forecasts by geographic area to know when we should be listening for you.  The forecasts are grim.  However, stations on the Equator report working EU in June/July is one of the better times. During noon, local time, we don’t expect to hear any signals.  We will mostly likely take our main meals during that time, and rest up, for a long night of productive QSOs.

Remember, these are predictions – like climate versus weather.  Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get. Keep an ear on the bands – you might catch an opening.  Check the daily space weather forecast – http://sunspotwatch.com

Our network of worldwide pilots will also report how well we are being heard in your area to keep us abreast of propagation.

Our permit restricts our antennas to 43 ft vertical antennas.  We won’t get the gain of a Yagi, nor the directionality. We will be using Steppirs and special design antennas to take advantage of the salt water ground. One of the antenna designs has been adapted by AA7JV from the recent 3B7A operation.

We will be using FT8 to find openings we might not hear, and to serve as a beacon. When we find an opening, we will put as many radios/modes/ops on as we can.

Our group helped develop the latest WSJT-X software to incorporate a DXpedition fox/hound mode.   Please download version 1.9.0 before we are QRV around 27 June.  This may expand the bands we are able to use at this point in the solar cycle.  We’ve also put a “how to use the new FT8” primer on our site.  You can view it and our planned operating frequencies at https://www.baker2018.net/pages/plan.html  It will help those new to the mode to quickly master the new version.

As previously mentioned, we will stay on 20 meters continuously and jump to other bands from one of the other 7 operating positions.  Our 15 operators will rotate on and off in 3 hour shifts.  We have one goal, maximize the number of ATNO QSOs with this 5th most wanted entity.

All our equipment has arrived at the departure point.  Our permit has been issued.  Our callsign is set, KH1/KH7Z.  All our plans for the past 11 months have led to this month!  We are excited, and trust you are too.

We are nearing the start of the operation, as the ops leave for Pago-Pago within the next two weeks.  We still could still use your donation at this time.  http://www.baker2018.net/pages/donate.html

Thank you in advance for your support.
The Baker Island 2018 Team


The EUDXF is proud sponsor of the KH1/KH7Z Baker Island DXpedition



XR0YD – Easter Island expedition 2018 report

The XR0YD  team delighted us with a nice report of their experiences during the 2018 DXpedition to Easter Island. A true adventure …..

What about this paragraph ….:

We came with lowered expectations what means conditions on the higher bands…. boring day-shifts with white noise from 10 to 17 meters? Nothing like this, conditions turned and we found ourselves in tremendous CW- and SSB-pileups on those bands, even with Europe and Japan. The US-stations were just behind the housedoor. So it was not surprising, that we reached  our first goal (30.000QSOs) 5 days earlier than planned. We ended up with good 46.000 QSOs, whereof  almost 50% were made with North America and remarkable 30% with Europe.


This was the first time we operated FT8 beside RTTY as a digital mode. We did not use the contest-mode, nevertheless we had around 5.000 contacts in that mode. The numbers of FT8-users is growing and it seems me, that FT8 will become a must for dx-peditions in the future. Being an active radio-amateur for more than 50 years my attitudes seem to be a little bit old-fashioned, but I am still thinking twice about FT8 and other digital-modes between the „standard-modes“ SSB and CW…..

The full report will be in the next EUDXF Newsletter, one of the benefits for EUDXF members.

Group-photo from left to right: DL7VEE/DJ9KH/DM3BJ/DL4SVA/DL7JOM/DH8WR/DL2RNS/DL5CW/DM2AUJ/DL2AWG
Group-photo from left to right : DL7VEE/DJ9KH/DM3BJ/DL4SVA/DL7JOM/DH8WR/DL2RNS/DL5CW/DM2AUJ/DL2AWG

Further infos on xr0yd.mydx.de






News from the KH1 team

The EUDXF is proud sponsor of the Baker 2018 DX-pedition. Here we share the latest news from the KH1 team:

Dear DXer:

We are contacting you because you have supported one of our past trips either directly or through OQRS. The Dateline DX Association is approximately 30 days away from arriving at KH1, Baker Island. Our gear has now all been shipped and our website updated to reflect all operating frequencies, operating plans, and up-to-date propagation routines to ensure you know where and when to look for us. We hope to be QRV around June 27. Please visit us at http://www.baker2018.net

Our experienced DXpedition team has conducted successful DXpeditions to many rare countries. We also have a worldwide net of pilots. They are there to relay back to us any missed or rare openings so we can react to them and be there to work you. Please do not hesitate to contact them: http://www.baker2018.net/pages/team.html

Our timetable for going to Baker Island was based on (a) the timing of our US Fish and Wildlife Service permit, (b) availability of our ship, and (c) the typhoon season in the Pacific. We understand the lack of darkness for some areas for low band activity, but with KH1 being the number 5 most wanted entity, ATNO QSOs are a priority and 20 meters offers the best worldwide propagation in June. Stations will be on 20 meters 24/7. We expect Eastern Europe to be able to work us on 17 and 30 meters as well.

Our group helped develop the latest WSJT-X software to incorporate a DXpedition fox/hound mode. Please download version 1.9.0 before we are QRV around 27 June. This may expand the bands we are able to use at this point in the solar cycle. We’ve also put a “how to use the new FT8” primer on our site. It will help those new to the mode to quickly master the new version. Check it out at http://www.baker2018.net/pages/plan.html

We have spent many months preparing for this trip, and last month simulated the island setup. Please visit http://www.baker2018.net/pages/pretrip.html to see more pictures relating to our testing activities.
As with any DXpedition to the really rare ones, this will be another large budget operation. The operator team will contribute over 50% of the expected budget of $400,000. You can help make this DXpedition happen by visiting our website, and contributing today. http://www.baker2018.net/pages/donate.html

Thank you in advance for your support.
The Baker Island 2018 Team