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EUDXF Flag stays behind on Kanton Island

Apart from nice memories there is a lasting memory of T31EU left on Kanton Island. Following the good contacts between the team and the local population the EUDXF flag has been given a nice place in the school building.

LtoR: Joe DK5WL, Teacher Monita, Ronald PA3EWP and the school assistant.


A short update from the team:

  • The high QRM-QRN level due to the heavy rain the past few days was giving them trouble.
  • Due to technical reassons they can only run 2 high power stations for the moment.
  • Now the 160 contest is over they will be back on topband.
  • The “Kanton Island Internet Café” is a 15 minute walk from the shack and has limited opening hours, so log upates are limited.
The T31EU shack and antennas

5W0GC & YJ0GC DXpedition 2018 report

Stan LZ1GC shared with us his report for his 2018 5W0GC & YJ0GC DXpedition. The full report will be in our next Newsletter**. Here we share with you some pictures to give you an idea about this challenging trip.

** The EUDXF Newsletter is a digital newsletter containing stories of EUDXF Supported DXpeditions and other DX related information. This newsletter is sent 3x / year to EUDXF members only. Please consider a EUDXF Membership.