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EUDXF support for the upcoming ZL7/K5WE DXpedition

It is our pleasure to announce that the EUDXF Board decided to support the upcoming ZL7/K5WE DXpedition to Chatham Island.
The plan is for ZL7/K5WE  to be active beginning September 9 through September 21, 2022 from the NE coast settlement of Kaingaroa on all bands 160-10 meters (including 60 meters)  using the CW, SSB, FT8, FT4, and RTTY modes.
The Chatham Islands entity is currently #82 on the Clublog Most Wanted List.
KD5GEY will be joining K5WE in this operation and their hope is to put at least 20,000 QSOs in the log. A sincere effort will be made to work Europe.
For more information please see the DXpedition webpage:

EUDXF supports the 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition

It is our pleasure to announce that the EUDXF Board decided to support the 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition to the “The most remote uninhabited place on Earth”, Clublog #2 Most Wanted Entity.

We think this unique DX adventure to activate this high rated entity deserves our support and we trust the skilled and determined team will give many of us a contact we waited for for a long time.

More info on this unique project at the teams website http://www.3y0j.no

or the 3Y0J Facebook pages:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/3093983840726129

4U1ITU back on the air

You may have worked 4U1ITU recently or you may have seen some 4U1ITU cluster spots. The operation is real and the station will be on the air until 3 June. After a two year lock down, the ITU building in Geneva is back in business. Currently a series of meetings of Study Group 4 (satellites) and 5 (terrestrial and amateur) Working Parties takes place.

The two year lockdown has not been good for equipment and antennas. Lots of technical issues had/have to be solved. As it looks now (but we have to wait and see) 4U1ITU can operate on WARC bands with dipole fixed NW/SE and use the STEPP-IR on 40/20/15/10. A second radio is now being set up for 6 meters including FT8.

This activity will most likely be the last one before the reconstruction of the ITU building starting by the end of the year. The shack will be closed soon for several years. It is recommended to fill empty bandslots now.