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Category Archives: 2023
EUDXF supports 7O2WX DXpedition
We are glad to advise that the EUDXF Board decided to support the 7O2WX DXpedition to Yeman by Vlad OK2WX.

Vlad OK2WX will be active from Socotra island, Yemen as 7O2WX during January 25 to February 12, 2024.
Focus on low bands (160, 80 and 40m).
Equipment: Elecraft K4, Icom 7300 + PA Expert 1K3.
Monoband verticals for 160 and 80,
Steppir CrankIR vertical and 3 el.YAGI Spiderbeam 6 band for HF.
A log will be available online.
Participation in the CQ 160m DX Contest CW.
More info on the website: https://www.mdxc.support/7o2wx/
DL0EUF and TM37EUDX join the party.
And the party continues…. DL0EUF and TM37EUDX join the party.
Two extra special stations have become active in 37EUDXF Activity Month from today.
TM37EUDXF had been announced earlier and is immediately active on several bands.
In addition EUDXF club station DL0EUF joined the festivities today. Here we can expect activity on multiple bands and modes too.
Of course, newcomer DL0EUF is also valid for the 37EUDXF Award;
37EUDXF Award
This award can be obtained by making contact with the various 37EUDXF station active from a number of countries during the November 2023 EUDXF Activity Month .
The award will be available in 4 different classes:
- Bronze: 10 QSO’s with at least 6 special 37EUDXF stations from at least 4 different countries
- Silver: 20 QSO’s with at least 8 different 37EUDXF stations from at least 5 different countries.
- Gold: 30 QSO’s with at least 10 different 37EUDXF stations from at least 6 different countries.
- Platinum: 40 QSO’s with at least 14 different 37EUDXF stations.
Please note that working or hearing the same station on the same band in the same mode will only count for 1 QSO for the award. Any other combination counts as a valid QSO.
The award will be available for free in an digital format.
A printed award will be made available against cost of 10 Euro/Dollar.
Applications for the award should be send before January 1st, 2024 to PA1AW@EUDXF.EU , only applications providing a list of claimed qso’s will be accepted.

EUDXF supports the 7O8AD – 7O8AE DXpedition to Yemen
It is our pleasure to announce that the EUDXF Board decided to support the november 2023 7O8AD – 7O8AE DXpedition to Yemen by Ken LA7GIA and Shani HA5DDX.
This small team will be active from Socotra Island AF-028 (LK72cq) November 3-16, 2023.
Tent and generator operation, limited facilities at Dhihamri, grid locator LK72CQ
- Two generators, one main and one spare.
- 2-3 stations on the air with focus on CW/SSB
- 7O8AD Ken: 1x CW + 1xFT8 (SO2R light)
- 7O8AE Shani: 1xSSB
- 100W RIGs: Three 100W stations. No amplifier due to weight restrictions.
- Thanks to Expert Electronics for sponsoring us with a SunSDR2 DX! https://eesdr.com/en/
- Band: 160-10m. No band plan, use the VFO. FT8 will be WSJT-X F/H or MHSV – never on standard frequency.
- Antennas: Verticals and VDA close to saltwater, clear beach take off.
Everyone who donate via paypal kenneth@opskar.no will receive Direct mailed card + LoTW. This paypal is for both callsigns.
More info on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/6878768972146047