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EUDXF Flag stays behind on Kanton Island

Apart from nice memories there is a lasting memory of T31EU left on Kanton Island. Following the good contacts between the team and the local population the EUDXF flag has been given a nice place in the school building.

LtoR: Joe DK5WL, Teacher Monita, Ronald PA3EWP and the school assistant.


A short update from the team:

  • The high QRM-QRN level due to the heavy rain the past few days was giving them trouble.
  • Due to technical reassons they can only run 2 high power stations for the moment.
  • Now the 160 contest is over they will be back on topband.
  • The “Kanton Island Internet Café” is a 15 minute walk from the shack and has limited opening hours, so log upates are limited.
The T31EU shack and antennas

EUDXF supports the March 2019 XR0ZRC DXPedition to Juan Fernandez Islands CE0Z

The EUDXF is happy to announce they will support the new adventure by the Russian Robinson club to Juan Fernandez Island CE0Z during March 2019.The DXpedition callsign will be XR0ZRC.

The Clublog Most Wanted ranking for CE0Z based on Europe is #63 mixed mode with a higher demand on the lowbands especially 160m and 80m.

More information on the website:https://dxpedition.wixsite.com/xr0zrc