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EUDXF supports D68CCC DXpedition

The EUDXF board decided to support the D68CCC DXpedition to Comores Island in october/november 2019.

The multinational experienced team of 20 operators will activate Comores Island between 21 october and 2 november 2019.
The team is planning to activated all HF bands using 5 stations.

QSL manager: IK2VUC

More info :  http://www.mdxc.org/d68ccc/

EUDXF supports the A35JT DXPedition to Tonga

The EUDXF board decided to support the A35JT DXpedition to Tonga in september/october 2019.

Grant VK5GS, Oly VK5XDX, Steve VK5SFA and Andrew VK5AKH will arrive in Tonga on Monday 23rd Sept 2019 and should be on air by the 24th. They will be departing Monday October 7th (on air up to 0800 on the 6th at the end of the OCDX SSB contest). The team is planning a minimum 160-10m SSB, CW, FT8, RTTY and also 6m EME will be part of the adventure.

More info :

The EUDXF on Niue E6ET

Alex 5B4ALX showing the EUDXF flag at his E6ET Niue QTH.

Check http://www.5b4alx.cloud/e6et-niue-2019/ for more info.