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The 3D2EU team during their stopover in 9V Singapore

The EUDXF is proud sponsor of the 3D2EU DXpedition to Rotuma.

On the picture Hans DL6JGN, Ron PA3EWP, Heye DJ9RR and Ernoe DK2AMM are waiting for their next flight on their way to Rotuma Island (IOTA OC-060).

More info at: http://www.rotuma2018.de/


3D2EU update Rotuma 2018


Last week Tony 3D2AG told us that he couldn’t come with us as the fifth team member due QRL. That announcement was a disappointment for the whole group. But we are still continue with our plans. All team members will be on 1 location on the Island instead of 2 different QTH’s.

Our equipment (2 boxes, 2 generators and 2 drums of fuel) are waiting in Suva to be shipped to Rotuma. The boat has some delay by tropical cyclone Gita. They expect to departure to Rotuma soon.

We have no special permit to operated on 60m, so the 60m dx-ers have to wait for Tony’s activity later this year. Tuesday we will departure from Germany via Singapore to Fiji. We will arrive Friday afternoon 23th of February on the Island. We will try to be active a few hours after our arrival.

Thanks to all DX-clubs and individual sponsors to make this adventure happened. All sponsors who made a donation before our start will receive there QSL card directly, no need to send your card first.

For more information see our website: http://www.rotuma2018.de/

Ronald Stuy


Boardmember EUDXF

Latest from the Republic of Kosovo

from OH2BH: The weather has been warming up in Kosovo lately and is currently above the freezing mark. Many are wondering why it isn’t possible to eliminate the noise by setting up camp in the quiet open field. The underlying fact is that Pristina is more that 650m above the sea level, and this winter has been particularly cold with -13C temperatures experienced during the activation period. There are prospects in place for the final and upcoming week to operate from a better place. Driton, Z61DX, has been testing the location and reception is dramatically better than at Z60A. (more…)