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Category Archives: 2017
The 3C0L & 3C1L story is captured in a nice video on YouTube
The 3C0L/3C1L HAM radio DXpedition to Equatorial Guinea from (October 9 – November 12, 2017) by the Latvian radio amateurs – YL2GM and YL3AIW share their adventure with a nice video on YouTube
VP2MDL report in the upcoming news letter
Maybe you were one of the 36.780 QSO´s made by the VP2MDL DXpedition to Montserrat. Like most DXpeditions it was not just fun in a sunny holiday destination. Also this team encountered challenges and highlights. There full report will be in the upcoming EUDXF newsletter
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VP2MDL “showing off” the EUDXF flag
We are glad to show you this picture where the VP2MDL crew confirms the EUDXF support they receive.

It actually is the first picture showing our new lightweight flags with the EUDXF logo as sent out to the DXpedition Teams we support.