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EUDXF supports the 5K0K DXpedition to San Andres.
The Czech DXpedition group is organizing a DX pedition again.
Destination this time is San Andres signing the special callsign 5K0K
The plan is to be on air from 16-17 till 28 october 2019.
The team consists of experienced DX Operators: Petr OK1BOA, Palo OK1CRM, Petr OK1FCJ, Pavel OK1GK , Ruda OK2ZA, Ludek OK2ZC, Karel OK2ZI, David OK6DJ and Roberto HK3CW.
The Qsl manager : ok6dj
Their aim is to make contact with us not just well equipped TOP stations but also small pistols from hidden spaces around the world. We want to give new band points, modes or ATNO. Significant emphasis will be placed not only on lower bands but also on new digital modes.
We will be at the destination for a long time, and we firmly believe that we satisfy a large part of the radio amateur population.
More information on the team webpage http://www.cdxp.cz/. and their Facebook page

Short Summary from the EUDXF AGM 2019
The Annual General Meeting of the EUDXF took place in Bad Bentheim, Germany, on 24 August 2019. The full meeting minutes will be available soon. Highlights were the results of the triennial Board elections and the nomination of Jan PA1TT/DJ5AN as a Life Member.
Board Election Results
51,5% of the EUDXF members participated in the elections. Dom, DL5EBE, received 90.6% of the votes and was re-elected as President.
The election results for the Board Members are as follows:
Ron, PA3EWP, received 75,4% of the votes and was re-elected as a Board Member.
Hans, PB2T, received 59.4% of the votes and was re-elected as a Board Member.
Jan, DJ8NK, received 50.7% of the votes and was re-elected as a Board Member.
Achim, DF3EC, and Ken, LA7GIA, received both 47.1% of the votes. Because of the tie between DF3EC and LA7GIA, DF3EC decided to withdraw his nomination, giving the Board of Directors the chance for an even more European mix by opening the way to Ken. Achim’s decision was accepted and much appreciated by all present members. As a result, LA7GIA was elected as a new Board Member. Achim, DF3EC, was appointed as advisor to the Board.
Sigi, DL7DF, received 33.3% of the votes.
Dieter, DJ9ON, received 21.0% of the votes.
Rag, LA5HE, received 15.9% of the votes.
Jan Stadman DJ5AN/PA1TT appointed as Life Member #51
The EUDXF has awarded Jan Stadman DJ5AN/PA1TT with life membership for his many years of dedicated service in support to the EUDXF. Jan has been the face of EUDXF at the Ham Radio hamfest in Friedrichshafen for many years. His efforts there and at other events led to a steady increase in the number of members.
EUDXF supports the C21W – T30L DXpedition
The EUDXF board decided to support the September 2019 DXpedition to Nauru and Western Kiribati.
Nauru is currently ranked #46 and Western Kiribati #49 in the Club Log most wanted list for Europe.
The team consists of Yuris/YL2GM (team leader), Kaspars/YL1ZF, Kristers/YL3JA and Jack/YL2KA and plans operation on all bands from 160m to 6m; CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8 (60m band operation under question).
More information on their website