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DL33EUDXF will be active in the EUDXF activity month
German EUDXF Members will activate this Special Event Station celebrating 33 years of European DX Foundation.
QSL for DL33EUDXF will be handled by Jan DJ8NK.
Clublog Online log and OQRS will be made available as soon the operations starts.
DL33EUDXF will also be valid for the 33 EUDXF Award.

November is the EUDXF Activity Month
During November 2019 a number of Special Event Stations will be active during the 2019 EUDXF activity month, all using special callsigns referring to the 33th anniversary of the EUropean DX Foundation.
Look for :
All QSO’s will be confirmed by a special QSL card.
33EUDXF Award
By working the 33EUDXF stations points can be collected for various levels of the award.
The award will be available in 4 different classes:
- Bronze: 10 QSO’s with at least 3 different special “33 EUDXF” stations
- Silver: 20 QSO’s with at least 4 different special “33 EUDXF” stations
- Gold: 30 QSO’s with at least 5 different special “33 EUDXF” stations
- Platinum: 30 QSO’s with all activated “33 EUDXF” stations.
- At least one QSO should be made with every 33 EUDXF station
Please note that working the same station on the same band in the same mode is considered a dupe QSO and will not count for the award.
Any other combination counts as a valid QSO.
The award will be available for free in an digital format.
A printed award will be made available against cost of 10 Euro/Dollar.
Valid stations for the award: DL33EUDXF – HG33EUDXF – LA33EUDXF – PA33EUDXF – PB33EUDXF – PC33EUDXF – PD33EUDXF – PE33EUDXF – PF33EUDXF – PG33EUDXF – PH33EUDXF – PI33EUDXF and TM33EUDX.
(Subject to change as more special callsigns are not yet confirmed)
How to obtain this award?
Send a log extract showing the qso’s made to Alex PA1AW, the award manager.
The awards will be issued starting December 2019 after completion of the EUDXF activity month.
EUDXF supports the Swains2020 adventure
The EUDXF is happy to confirm they will support the upcoming DXpedition to Swains Island by an international team.
From 10 March until 25th of March 2020 a group of 10 international operators will be active from Swains Island as W8S.
Operators: AG4W, DJ9HX, DJ9ON, DL2AMD, DL6JGN (Team leader), DL6KVA, KO8SCA, PA3EWP, PA4WM and PG5M.
They will run 4 stations simultaneously, 24 hours a day from 2 different camps. The main modes will be CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. On some bands they plan to be active in 2 modes at the same time.
Online log: As their is no reliable internet on the island the team will use Clublog OQRS after return to Pago Pago American Samoa.
The logs will be uploaded by our QSL manager to LOTW.
The QSL manager is Gerben PG5M
More information on their website: https://swains2020.lldxt.eu/