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H44R – H40D DXpedition to Solomon Islands and Temotu

Cezar VE3LYC provided the EUDXF with a very nice report on his recent IOTA DXpedition to Solomon Islands and Temotu.
Despite difficult propagation and some technical challenges Cezar managed a good QSO numbers with a respectable percentage of European stations in the log from both locations

The full report will be available (for EUDXF members only) in the upcoming EUDXF Newsletter in July.

EUDXF welcomes Alex 5B4ALX as a new member

I’m actually 40 years old, born in Italy and I lived for some years in Ireland. Since 2012 I am a permanent resident of Cyprus with the call sign 5B4ALX and the special contest call H2X.

My main interests are DX, Contest and making DXpeditions.I have one radio station in Italy where I can use the call IZ4AMS and my main radio station in Cyprus which I can use remotely when travelling on the job. All the information about me, my job, my company, contest results and planned DXpeditions are available on my website www.5b4alx.cloud which has more than 5000 visitors per month.

My next DXpedition planned for 2019 will be E6ET, Niue Island. All information on my website will be shared with EUDXF for sure.


Best 73s, Alex, 5B4ALX

Succesfull HamRadio in Friedrichshafen

The EUDXF can look back on a succesfull Hamradio in Friedrichshafen. Many visited our beautiful stand, and we were able to welcome 12 new members and 2 Life-Members as members of our foundation. The EUDXF dinner on Saturday evening was well attended with 48 visitors.

A special THANK YOU to Jan DJ5AN-PA1TT for organizing these 2 events.

More Pictures of the Ham-Radio are here, and the EUDXF DX-Dinner are here.