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EUDXF supports 2018 DXpedition to Ducie Island – VP6D

The EUDXF Board is happy to share their decision to support the October – November 2018 DXpedition to VP6D – Ducie Island.

Ducie is an uninhabited Pacific island located in the Gambier Island Group, approximately 540 kilometers east of Pitcairn Island and 6,000 kilometers southeast of Hawaii. It is almost 10 years since the last Ducie Island DX-pedition and currently it is #27 on the ClubLog’s Most Wanted List. There is no scheduled air or sea transportation to the island. The callsign VP6D is issued to the team and travel visas and landing permission to conduct a DX-pedition in this restricted “Marine Protected Area” are at hand. The expedition ship Braveheart will provide transportation and logistics. The Braveheart has a proven track record of DX-expedition support.

The team consist of: Dave K3EL (Team Leader), Pista HA5AO and Les W2LK , Heye DJ9RR, Mike WA6O, Jacky ZL3CW, Arnie N6HC,  Steve W1SRD, Chris N6WM, Laci HA0NAR, Ricardo PY2PT, Walt N6XG, Vadym UT6UD and Gene K5GS

The callsign will be VP6D.

QSL managers will be K5GS and M0URX .

More info: VP6D.COM

EUDXF supports 2018 DXpedition to Rotuma 3D2EU

The EUDXF Board is happy to share their decision to support the February-March 2018 DXpedition to Rotuma – 3D2/R.

The team consist of: Tony 3D2AG, Heye DJ9RR, Erno DK2AMM, Hans, DL6JGN and Ronald PA3EWP. They will activate Rotuma from 23 February until 16 March 2018, 10m – 160m all main modes.

The requested callsign (not yet confirmed) is 3D2EU.

QSL manager for 3D2EU is DK2AMM.

NB. Tony, 3D2AG will be in Rotuma a week before and after the 3D2EU operation, for logistical purposes. QSLing will be separate for both 3D2EU and 3D2AG. 3D2AG as per his instructions on QRZ.COM

More info: http://www.rotuma2018.de/


EUDXF supports 2018 DXpedition to Easter Island – XR0YD

The EUDXF Board is happy to share their decision to support the March 2018 DXpedition to Easter Island – CE0Y.

The call XR0YD is confirmed and the date is March 2-15, 2018.

The group traveling consists of experienced team members Andy, DH8WR, Werner, DJ9KH, Guenter, DL2AWG, Norbert, DL2RNS, Georg, DL4SVA, Paul, DL5CW, Olaf, DL7JOM, Wolf, DM2AUJ, Kalle, DM3BJ and Rolf, DL7VEE.

They will use three well equipped stations 24/7 from 160-10 m in CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.

Direct QSL to :  Georg Tretow, P. O. Box 1114, D – 23931, Grevesmuehlen, Germany.