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EUDXF dinner at Ham Radio Friedrichshafen

Dear EUDXF friends,

Friedrichshafen is getting closer. We have again the confirmation for the friday night reservation at Restaurant Heuschober to have also this year a wonderful EUDXF dinner together, which I am happy to organize again. Heuschober is located directly next to Messe Friedrichshafen only a short walk over the parking space.
As last year there are 30 places available. First come first serve.
If you also want to join in please let me know via e-mail to dk2hm@gmx.de or direct message via whatsapp.
Registration includes a 10 euro deposit per person via paypal to dk2hm@gmx.de that will be handed back at the dinner or otherwise be donated to EUDXF.

When: Friday 28/06/2024, 18.30
Where: Restaurant Heuschober

Restaurant Heuschober
Allmannsweilerstraße 108,
88046 Friedrichshafen

73 Hans-Martin DK2HM

Proud sponsor of the TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition

EUDXF supports T32EU

It is our pleasure to announce that the EUDXF will support the March 2024 T32EU DXpedition to Kiriti mati.

The date: 13th until 27th March 2024
The activity: 3 Stations 24 hours per day.
The main modes will be CW and SSB and RTTY and perhaps FT8
They will be QRV from 160 until 6 meters.

The Station:

  • 3x Elekraft K3 and Expert 1.3
  • 1x FTDX10 and HAL 1200 backup
  • 160/80 verticals
  • DX Commander vertical for 40…10m
  • Spiderbeam 20…10m
  • J-Pole antenna for 30m

QSL via LotW, Clublog, bureau or direct to DL2AWG

More info: https://www.qrz.com/db/T32EU