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EUDXF support for the the upcoming TX7G DXpedition to the Marquesas

It is our pleasure to announce that the EUDXF Board decided to support the upcoming TX7G DXpedition to the Marquesas.

Didier F6BCW will be in Atuona, Hiva Oa in the Marquesas Archipelago for a solo DX’p in the Marquesas DXCC FO-M – IOTA OC027 from October 1st to October 15th with the call TX7G. He will work CW and SSB and if possible in RTTY and FT8 on all the bands from 80 to 10m and will be active at least 8 hours a day for 15 days.
Station is a K3 with 500W amplifier.

This DX’p has 2 objectives:

  • on the one hand take advantage of the good solar index to make a maximum of STN EU,
  • on the other hand to prepare a large expedition for 2023, with the possibility of 12 operators on the same site. It would be the biggest DX’P in the Marquesas that ever existed.

More information on https://tx7g.f6kjs.fr/  and QRZ.com

From the new elected EUDXF President

Dear EUDXF members,

Yesterday we got the results of your voting for the new board and as already mentioned, the composition of the new board is as follows: Achim DF3EC, Ronald PA3EWP, Hans PB2T and our newcomer Pista HA5AO. The other newcomer is myself as the new president.

First of all I like to thank all voters for their effort to choose the new board and giving us the trust to lead the foundation for the coming years.

I’m looking forward to serve the foundation and together with the board members I would like to work on getting more members joining as this will increase the financial support we can provide to DXpeditions and humanitarian support. However, I will also like to find ways to give something back to the members, in the form of webinars, workshops, etc. or other activities.

I like to thank the former president, Dom DL5EBE for his 6 years in office and for all the good achievements he made. Dom has done a great job in getting me up to speed for the new job and a big thank you is well placed here.

I also like to thank the board members who served during the last term for their support.

Although I mentioned already about initiatives we will be working on and bringing the foundation to a next level, we also need the input from our members. So please, if you have comments, remarks or suggestions, feel free to contact me directly.

Now the DXpedition activities are taking up again, I wish you success in DXing for the remainder of 2022.

Kind regards,

Gerben A.Menting – PG5M


New EUDXF board elected

Congratulations to all newly elected at todays EUDXF AGM:  Gerben PG5M, Achim DF3EC, Ronald PA3EWP, Hans PB2T and Pista HA5AO.

Gerben PG5M hereby is elected as 5th president of EUDXF. In the EUDXF WhatsApp group Gerben mentioned that he is looking forward to cooperation with the other board members and hopefully bringing it to the next level.

A big THANK YOU to the departing board members Dominik DL5EBE and Jan DJ8NK for years of commitment to the EUDXF.