Home » Articles posted by Alex van Hengel (Page 22)
Author Archives: Alex van Hengel
1st batch of 36EUDXF Awards have been issued
The past two days 76 awards were issued and still more requests are coming in.
Apparantly the 2022 rules were more difficult compared to previous years as less Gold and Platinum requests have been received so far.
Have you worked a lot of the 36EUDXF stations during november it might be worth checking https://www.eudxf.eu/the-36eudxf-award/ for the rules.
The 5R8 Nosy Bee team is QRT
LtoR: Ronald 5R8WP, Gerben 5R8CG, Johannes 5R8PA, Guenther 5R8WG and Erno 5R8MM
Just before departure from Le Grand Bleu where we had a great time. We leave with 30K plus QSOs in the logs. Thanks for your cooperation.