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Author Archives: Alex van Hengel
EUDXF Dinner at Ham Radio Friedrichshafen 2023
My dear EUDXF friends, Friedrichshafen is getting closer.
On behalf of our president and our board I may invite you to the EUDXF dinner 2023 Friday night reservation at Restaurant Heuschober.
Heuschober is located directly next to Messe Friedrichshafen only a short walk over the parking space.
Registration includes a 10 euro deposit via PayPal that will be handed back at the dinner or otherwise it will be donated to EUDXF.
A reservation has been made for max 30 people.
For registration please send and email and the 10 Euro deposit to dk2hm@gmx.de and include your name, callsign and the numbers of places.
When: Friday 23-06-2023, 18.30
Where: Restaurant Heuschober
Phone: +49 7541 9413141
Hans Martin DK2HM
FT8WW extension granted
Good news:
Thierry FT8WW received a 3 weeks extension for his license, allowed on 20m and above only.
He already showed up this morning on 20m.
EUDXF supports the 9U4WX – 9U5R DXpedition to Burundi
It is our pleasure to announce that the EUDXF Board decided to support the the 9U4WX – 9U5R DXpedition to Burundi.
Vladimir and Elvira planning activities from 80 m to 10 m in CW, SSB and FT8 with with 100 W power.
Period is February 4th for 23 days.
More information on: https://www.mdxc.org/9u4wx