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EUDXF supports the TX5S DXpedition to Clipperton Island.

It is our pleasure to announce that the EUDXF Board decided to support the January 2024 TX5S DXpedition to Clipperton Island by the The Perseverance DX Group (PDXG)

Clipperton Island (IOTA NA-011) is currently Clublog #38 most wanted (#28 EU).
The team will be QRV on 160-6 meters, SSB, CW, RTTY and FT8.

They plan to leave San Diego, California on Jan 11, 2024 and arrive Clipperton Jan 17, 2024.
The plan is to be on the island for 16 days.

More information on their website

EUDXF supports the VU7W DXpedition to Lakshadweep Islands

It is our pleasure to announce that the EUDXF Board decided to support the the VU7W DXpedition to Lakshadweep Islands.

Yuris/YL2GM will visit Lakshadweep Islands and do one-man operation on the air as VU7W from April 15 to 29, 2023. QTH will be located on Kavaratti island.

QSL via YL2GN (Check https://lral.lv/vu7w/qsl.html )

The station:

  • 1x Yaesu FT-710
  • 1x SunSDR2 Pro
  • 1x SPE Expert 1.3K-FA


  • Vertical with LBS matching unit for 160m-30m bands
  • Spiderbeam for 20m-10m bands
  • DX-commander vertical
  • BOG for receiving

More information on: https://lral.lv/vu7w/index.html

EUDXF Dinner at Ham Radio Friedrichshafen 2023

My dear EUDXF friends, Friedrichshafen is getting closer.
On behalf of our president and our board I may invite you to the EUDXF dinner 2023 Friday night reservation at Restaurant Heuschober.
Heuschober is located directly next to Messe Friedrichshafen only a short walk over the parking space.
Registration includes a 10 euro deposit via PayPal that will be handed back at the dinner or otherwise it will be donated to EUDXF.
A reservation has been made for max 30 people.
For registration please send and email and the 10 Euro deposit to dk2hm@gmx.de and include your name, callsign and the numbers of places.
When: Friday 23-06-2023, 18.30
Where: Restaurant Heuschober
Phone: +49 7541 9413141

Hans Martin DK2HM